This month’s Lawrenceburg School’s podcast link; Click on link to hear about End of Year and Summer information.
almost 6 years ago, Karl Galey
I would like to wish all Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation families a safe and relaxing summer break starting today.
almost 6 years ago, Karl Galey
2019 Summer Break
Thank you @LawrenceburgCSC Maintenance Staff (especially Wyatt and Steve) for cleaning and trimming the mulch and flower beds around the Admin Office. They look great. #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 6 years ago, Karl Galey
LCSC Admin Office
@CentralLCSC Principal Mrs. Knigga and Asst. Principal Mr. Leiker working on roof today since students met their goal for learning Guaranteed Vocabulary in Math and Language Arts. #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 6 years ago, Karl Galey
CES Principals working on roof
Happy Memorial Day to the Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation community. #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 6 years ago, Karl Galey
Happy Memorial Day
Congratulations to all of the students recognized tonight at the @LHSLCSC Awards Night. #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 6 years ago, Karl Galey
2019 LHS Awards
Please see flyer below with details about iPad sale at Lawrenceburg Primary School on Friday, June 7th from 9-11 am. The iPad 4s with 16 GB and IOS 10.3 will be sold with cases for $25 AS IS/NO RETURNS without chargers.
almost 6 years ago, Karl Galey
2019 iPad Sale
See attached 2019-2020 REVISED LCSC corporation calendar approved by Board of Trustees on 5/14/19. Early Release Days have been changed to eLearning Days. Please read information noted at bottom of calendar.
almost 6 years ago, Karl Galey
2019-2020 REVISED LCSC Corporation Calendar
If you are unable to attend the 2019 @LHSLCSC Graduation on Saturday, June 8th at 2 pm, see options on flyer below to view it live.
almost 6 years ago, Karl Galey
2019 LHS Graduation Viewing Options
Thank you @LHSLCSC art club led by Mrs. Magee for decorating a table for tonight’s Safe Passage Bash Before the Stash fundraiser. #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 6 years ago, Karl Galey
Safe Passage Fundraiser
Congratulations to the @LHSLCSC @scareercenter (Southeast Career Center) graduates tonight.
almost 6 years ago, Karl Galey
Southeast Career Center Graduation
Lawrenceburg Primary School still has a few spots open in our Spanish DLI program. Incoming Kindergartener, please use this link: Incoming First Grade, please use this link: For my information, visit: Lawrenceburg Primary School DLI Website
almost 6 years ago, Karl Galey
Happy Mother’s Day to all the @LawrenceburgLCSC mothers in our community! #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 6 years ago, Karl Galey
Happy Mother’s Day
Thank you Amanda Sheeley and Nancy Janszen from Community Mental Health Center for providing QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer) Suicide Prevention Training to the staff at @PrimaryLCSC today and tomorrow.
almost 6 years ago, Karl Galey
QPR Training at LPS
See flyer from Dearborn County Health Department regarding details about Vaccine Appointments.
almost 6 years ago, Karl Galey
Dearborn County Health Department Vaccine Notice
@LHSLCSC baseball team plays Greensburg in game 1 of Sectionals at South Dearborn. Good luck Tigers! #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 6 years ago, Karl Galey
Baseball Sectional
This month’s podcast link for Lawrenceburg Schools; Click the link to hear from a few seniors about their pathways after graduation and details about the senior class/graduation from @LHSLCSC Principal Mr. Snyder.
almost 6 years ago, Karl Galey
@LHSLCSC Softball Sectional Pairings hosted at Madison. Lawrenceburg plays Batesville first round. #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 6 years ago, Karl Galey
Softball Sectional Bracket
Good luck to the @LHSLCSC unified track team at Franklin County tonight. @ihsaa1 #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 6 years ago, Karl Galey
LHS Unified Track Team
Happy Easter Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation staff, students, families and community. #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 6 years ago, Karl Galey
Happy Easter