This month’s Lawrenceburg School’s podcast link; http://static.theflypod.com/episodes/lawrenceburg-schools/. Click on link to hear about End of Year and Summer information.

I would like to wish all Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation families a safe and relaxing summer break starting today.

Thank you @LawrenceburgCSC Maintenance Staff (especially Wyatt and Steve) for cleaning and trimming the mulch and flower beds around the Admin Office. They look great. #LawrenceburgLegacy

@CentralLCSC Principal Mrs. Knigga and Asst. Principal Mr. Leiker working on roof today since students met their goal for learning Guaranteed Vocabulary in Math and Language Arts. #LawrenceburgLegacy

Happy Memorial Day to the Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation community. #LawrenceburgLegacy

Congratulations to all of the students recognized tonight at the @LHSLCSC Awards Night. #LawrenceburgLegacy

Please see flyer below with details about iPad sale at Lawrenceburg Primary School on Friday, June 7th from 9-11 am. The iPad 4s with 16 GB and IOS 10.3 will be sold with cases for $25 AS IS/NO RETURNS without chargers.

See attached 2019-2020 REVISED LCSC corporation calendar approved by Board of Trustees on 5/14/19. Early Release Days have been changed to eLearning Days. Please read information noted at bottom of calendar.

If you are unable to attend the 2019 @LHSLCSC Graduation on Saturday, June 8th at 2 pm, see options on flyer below to view it live.

Thank you @LHSLCSC art club led by Mrs. Magee for decorating a table for tonight’s Safe Passage Bash Before the Stash fundraiser. #LawrenceburgLegacy

Congratulations to the @LHSLCSC @scareercenter (Southeast Career Center) graduates tonight.

Lawrenceburg Primary School still has a few spots open in our Spanish DLI program. Incoming Kindergartener, please use this link: goo.gl/APFZrL Incoming First Grade, please use this link: https://urlzs.com/Lxv8
For my information, visit: Lawrenceburg Primary School DLI Website

Happy Mother’s Day to all the @LawrenceburgLCSC mothers in our community! #LawrenceburgLegacy

Thank you Amanda Sheeley and Nancy Janszen from Community Mental Health Center for providing QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer) Suicide Prevention Training to the staff at @PrimaryLCSC today and tomorrow.

See flyer from Dearborn County Health Department regarding details about Vaccine Appointments.

@LHSLCSC baseball team plays Greensburg in game 1 of Sectionals at South Dearborn. Good luck Tigers! #LawrenceburgLegacy

This month’s podcast link for Lawrenceburg Schools; http://static.theflypod.com/episodes/lawrenceburg-schools/. Click the link to hear from a few seniors about their pathways after graduation and details about the senior class/graduation from @LHSLCSC Principal Mr. Snyder.

@LHSLCSC Softball Sectional Pairings hosted at Madison. Lawrenceburg plays Batesville first round. #LawrenceburgLegacy

Good luck to the @LHSLCSC unified track team at Franklin County tonight. @ihsaa1 #LawrenceburgLegacy

Happy Easter Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation staff, students, families and community. #LawrenceburgLegacy