Bus Information
If you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers. We want to save you time and frustration, so we compiled some of the questions our families ask most often and put them all in one place here for you. If you still have questions, please contact us. We’re happy to help!
Does Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation require uniforms?
We do not require uniforms; however, we do have a code for personal appearance. We expect students to dress in a way that reflects an educational environment and to respect themselves and their bodies when choosing attire for school. In general, we do not allow the following:
Tank tops or muscle shirts
Tops exposing the midriff or cleavage
Shorts that are shorter than mid-thigh length or skirts that are above fingertip length
Pants that sag or fall below the waistline
Headgear and hats
Chains, including animal collars and those on billfolds
Coats worn in the classroom
For more information about the dress code at your child’s school, please read the student handbook, found in the Quick Links of each school’s website.
What is the corporation’s attendance policy?
Students must attend school regularly in order to receive a quality education. Students who frequently miss school miss valuable instructional time, assignments, assessments, and the opportunity to participate in class discussions. We understand that students are absent from time to time, however please limit absences to true illnesses and family emergencies. When a child is absent from school, it is the child’s responsibility to obtain all make-up work from the teacher(s) and turn it in within two school days. After three absences (excused or unexcused), we will send parents a note restating our attendance policy. We reserve the right to report chronic absences to the Dearborn County Probation Department as truancy.
Are athletics programs available to students?
We offer and encourage participation in athletics for all eligible students. Middle school and high school students may participate in a variety of sports, including wrestling, track and field, basketball, cross country, volleyball, football, and more. Student athletes must have a current physical on file with the school. Visit your child’s school website for more information about the programs available.
Can my child bring a cell phone to school?
We appreciate parents’ concern for their children, especially those who walk to and from school. Students who bring cell phones to school must silence the ringer and store them in backpacks. Teachers will confiscate cell phones if they are visible during school hours.
If I live out of district and want my child to attend Lawrenceburg School, what do I need to do?
You must fill out a transfer application which may be obtained at the LCSC administration office. Applications must be submitted prior to the deadline set each summer. The 2018-2019 school year deadline is on June 29, 2018. No new applications will be accepted for that school year beyond this date. Please call the administration office with questions at 812.537.7201. This is in compliance with I.C. 20-26-11-32.