Corporation staff enjoying lunch together on first staff day. Thank you LHS cafeteria staff. #LawrenceburgLegacy
over 6 years ago, Karl Galey
Staff Lunch.
Welcome Back Staff video. Thank you Lawrenceburg community for your participation.
over 6 years ago, Karl Galey
Thank you Dave Hurd for providing lunch to some of the maintenance and custodians for their hard summer work.
over 6 years ago, Karl Galey
Thank you LCSC custodians and maintenance staff.
Lawrenceburg bus driver CPR re-certification and Annual Safety Meeting.
over 6 years ago, Karl Galey
Bus driver CPR re-certification.
Download the new Lawrenceburg Community School Corp App from the App Store now to receive the latest school news. #LawrenceburgLegacy
over 6 years ago, Karl Galey
The new Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation app.
Open Maintenance position starting at $17/hr and Custodial positions starting at $12.25/hr. Click on picture to see details.
over 6 years ago, Karl Galey
Open Maintenance and Custodian Positions.
New teachers and SROs being trained by Lawrenceburg Police Officers, Nick Myers and David Schwarz, for an active intruder.
over 6 years ago, Karl Galey
Thank you Lawrenceburg Police Officers, Nick Myers and David Schwarz, for providing ALICE training to new teachers and SROs.
Welcome aboard to some of the new staff members to @lawrenceburglcsc. They are now part of our #LawrenceburgLegacy.
over 6 years ago, Karl Galey
New Staff Orientation. #LawrenceburgLegacy
Lawrenceburg administrators and tech department learning how to use the new website communication platform.
over 6 years ago, Karl Galey
Lawrenceburg administrators and tech department learning how to use the new website communication platform.
In the podcast we introduce LHS's new Athletic Director, Mark Pierson, information about the updated website, mobile app, seal/logo and online registration.
over 6 years ago, Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation
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