Click on the following link to sign up to receive free meals beginning next week with your choice of pick up or delivery. Reminder, please sign up by the end of today so we can begin preparing for the correct number of meals. Call 812-537-7201 if you need assistance.

Daily dose of #LburgHOPE

New board meeting link is https://youtu.be/jSx3BKRJtP0


The LCSC Special Open Session Board meeting tonight can be viewed at the following link; https://youtu.be/o9EsOrPKSCk as there will be no visitors or audience permitted per the Governor’s Orders. The link may also be found on the corporation website.

I received my US Census 2020 invite letter in the mail and just completed it online. It took 10 minutes. I encourage everyone to complete their Census. Counting your child could mean $10,000 of additional funding over the next ten years.


Together We Will Get Through This. #LburgHOPE

#LburgHOPE shared activity from Cathy Albright.

Listen to WCSH 99.3 FM at 2:00 pm to hear the latest from Lawrenceburg Schools and the information shared with families earlier today. #LburgHOPE

Please watch attached video and read the attached letter for updated information from LCSC on COVID-19.
Video link - https://youtu.be/bpfbGDBDvnI
Letter link - shorturl.at/lGMU2

Lawrenceburg School Administrators and other Supervisors are meeting this week to develop plans following Spring Break on March 30th. Staff and parents will be informed on Friday of these plans so parents have enough time to plan accordingly.

LCSC Parent Letter on the Coronavirus;
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aU1ISCOjoAHyFcUY0cjhGwq6C6xpZqpJ/view?usp=sharing. One update is that all LCSC practices, activities and events are cancelled during Spring Break until March 30, 2020 and will be re-evaluated.

Click on the following link to view a Corp Coronavirus Letter emailed to all staff and parents this afternoon; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wPwSWDpZBdtpg4mhlCFLUYSHHqpiIY10JcQP7Q0PmD0/edit?usp=sharing. It was created by Dearborn and Ohio County superintendents and nurses.

Great performance tonight by the @LHSLCSC cast of Beauty and the Beast. Thank you Mrs. Herrick, Ms. Jones, Mrs. Eliason and others directing the students. #LawrenceburgLegacy

Reminder to move your clocks forward tonight one hour.

Today’s podcast topics included; K round-up scheduled 4/9, Dual Language Immersion Parent Meeting tomorrow night, helpful tips to prevent the spread of the flu and coronovirus and wish a Happy Spring Break March 16-27; http://static.theflypod.com/episodes/lawrenceburg-schools/.

Even though the coronovirus is not an immediate threat in our community, Mrs. Palmer, Corp Head Nurse, has provided the attached info to be aware of and how to prevent it. We will continue to follow any guidelines set forth to help ensure the health and safety of our community.

Bus #2 is going to be running late in Hidden Valley Lake for the GMS/LHS Route. She is stopped on Hickory waiting for a salt truck.

Excited to listen to band students come together from all over Southeastern Indiana (EC, JCD, Lburg, Milan, N Decatur, RS, SD, S Riley and Switzerland Co) to form the Southeastern IN Honor Band who have been practicing together the past 2 days.