How are other students handling being quarantined and helped with eLearning instruction by their parents?! #LburgHOPE
almost 5 years ago, Karl Galey
almost 5 years ago, Karl Galey
The link to view tonight’s April LCSC Board of Trustees meeting is It begins at 6:30 pm.
almost 5 years ago, Karl Galey
LCSC families, please click on you child’s school link to view some well wishes from their teachers and staff. LPS - CES - GMS - LHS -
almost 5 years ago, Karl Galey
Please help us by completing the Census at It takes 10 minutes! Indiana ranks 13 in state submissions, Dearborn Co ranks 18 of our 92 counties while the city of Greendale is 84 and Lawrenceburg is 397 among cities. Let’s do better. Let’s strive to be #1.
almost 5 years ago, Karl Galey
2020 US Census
Happy Easter to the entire @LawrenceburgCSC staff, students, parents and community. #LburgHOPE
almost 5 years ago, Karl Galey
As of today, April 7, 2020, please watch the attached video and/or read the attached letter for updated end of the school year information from LCSC on COVID-19. A Video link and Letter link are below. Video - Letter-
almost 5 years ago, Karl Galey
almost 5 years ago, Karl Galey
almost 5 years ago, Karl Galey
The Lawrenceburg School’s April podcast is available at the following link; Updated information regarding COVID-19 is shared. Be safe. #LburgHOPE #InThisTogether
almost 5 years ago, Karl Galey
Governor Holcomb just announced all Indiana schools must remain closed for the remainder of the school year. Further guidance to be released. LCSC administration will assess new requirement of 160 days and provide updated plan for remainder of school year early next week.
almost 5 years ago, Karl Galey
Thank you to our food service personnel, SROs and bus drivers for helping prepare and either have picked up or deliver over 500 meals each day. Day #3. #LburgHOPE
almost 5 years ago, Karl Galey
Meal Delivery Service
almost 5 years ago, Karl Galey
A voice message was just sent out with meal pickup and delivery instructions for this week. Please call -812-537-7201 if you have questions.
almost 5 years ago, Karl Galey
@PrimaryLCSC teachers, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Fox, sporting their HOPE shirts from the last @WhitewaterOhio sermon series. #LburgHOPE now
almost 5 years ago, Karl Galey
#LburgHOPE displayed by LPS Teachers, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Fox
almost 5 years ago, Karl Galey
#LburgHOPE from Scott Hansen and Ann Roth.
almost 5 years ago, Karl Galey
#LburgHOPE through Scott Hansen and Ann Roth.
almost 5 years ago, Karl Galey
almost 5 years ago, Karl Galey