Aiden's Path https://5il.co/6rfx

Newsletter https://5il.co/6rfw

Mrs. Hanneken and Mrs. Lewis are helping students pick out some great books at the Book Fair!

Great opportunity to meet local author, Michele Eich, on March 6 at 6:00 pm at CES.

The LPS/CES PTO would like to remind our families of our meeting on Monday, Feb. 25th at 6:00 in the LPS cafeteria. All families are welcome to join, whether this is your first meeting or 5th. Come see what's new in our schools and with our organization.

Newsletter https://5il.co/6nhf

Gracie Hensley received a positive office referral today for showing EXTRA KINDNESS to other students in her class!

Bryson and Ms. Wilma went to lunch yesterday at McDonalds. He was the winner of our raffle to win lunch with your favorite staff member. Thank you again to all who participated in our fundraiser!

If you are unable to join us for the DLI Parent Information meeting at LPS (6pm) you can view it on out Live stream. #LawrenceburgLegacy

Lawrenceburg Schools will be on a 2 HOUR DELAY today, Wednesday, February 20th so slick, slushy roads may improve.

Attention Parents of Future Kindergarteners! LCSC is launching a Spanish Dual Language Immersion Program for the 2019-2020 School Year. You are invited TOMORROW February 20, 2019 from 6 - 7:00 pm in the Lawrenceburg Primary School Cafeteria for our informational session.

The 2nd grade DI Magicians are ready to show them their magic today! Good luck!

Our first grade DI team is getting ready to perform this afternoon. We know they are going to do a great job !

Congratulations to Bryson Buddenberg! He is the winner of our raffle to win lunch with your favorite staff member. He chose Miss Wilma! Thank you to all who participated!

Top Tiger Club-These Kindergarten students from Rooms 301, 302, 303 & 304 had Perfect Attendance with no tardies for the whole month of January. Way to go!

Weekly Newsletter https://5il.co/6k8y

Important eLearning Information https://5il.co/6k8x

January Awesome Authors - These students are AMAZING writers! We may read a book written by one of these students in the future. 📚

Top Tiger Club-These Kindergarten students from Rooms 305, 306 & 307 had Perfect Attendance with no tardies for the whole month of January. Way to go!

January Principals' Pride-I had an AWESOME LUNCH with these students today! They all have Great Character & Citizenship!