Newsletter https://5il.co/7b9q

All new kindergarteners for 2019-2020: Please click the link for details & make an appointment. Appointments are REQUIRED. Thank you!
Kindergarten Round Up Flyer:
Click here to book your appointment time: http://kdgroundup.youcanbook.me

Newsletter https://5il.co/782d

Top Tiger Club-These 1st grade students in Rooms 305 - 307 had Perfect Attendance with no tardies for the whole month of March. Way to go!

Lunch with Leiker - These 3 students earned lunch with Mr. Leiker today for selling winning tickets during our PTO Tiger Cash Club fundraiser! Thank you for your support!

Top Tiger Club-These 1st grade students in Rooms 205 - 208 had Perfect Attendance with no tardies for the whole month of March. Way to go!

March Awesome Authors - These students are AMAZING writers! We may read a book written by one of these students in the future. 📚

The ARC of Dearborn Co. visited our kindergarteners today to talk about accessibility in our community. Students learned through stories “Be Cool - We Are” & “We’re all Wonders.”

March Principals' Pride-I had an AWESOME LUNCH with these students today! They all have Great Character & Citizenship!

March Rockin’ Readers-These students are becoming super Readers! Keep working on your skills! 📚

Top Tiger Club-These 1st grade students in Rooms 202, 203 & 204 had Perfect Attendance with no tardies for the whole month of March. Way to go!

LCSC School were place on a lockdown for a few minutes due to a potential threat in the community. The threat was deemed to be unsubstantiated and the lockdown has been lifted for LCSC Schools.

March Math Masters-These students are AWESOME at math. Keep up the GREAT JOB!!

Top Tiger Club-These 2nd grade students from Rm. 106 - 109 had Perfect Attendance with no tardies for the whole month of March. Way to go!!

Top Tiger Club-These 2nd grade students from Rm. 110-113 had Perfect Attendance with no tardies for the whole month of March. Way to go!!

Newsletter https://5il.co/74wz

DLI Parent Meeting for K & 1 Future 2019-2020 Students

LPS students raised money to support one of our own. Classes raising the most money got to put a pie in the face of some of their favorite staff members. Thank you Mr. Galey, Officer Potts, and Officer Bryant for agreeing to be “Pie’d” in the face. #LawrenceburgLegacy

LPS 2nd Grade Play “The Day The Crayons Quit” #LawrenceburgLegacy #StandingRoomOnly

Top Tiger Club-These kindergarten students had Perfect Attendance with no tardies for the whole month of February. Way to go!