Newsletter https://5il.co/q9ze

Newsletter https://5il.co/q0rw

2021-2022 Kindergarten Registration is Wednesday April 14th, 2021 from 8am-7pm. Follow the link for more information and to make an appointment. https://tinyurl.com/pasyrn53

Giving away 100 free meal packs at LCSC was such a blast. Thank you to our cafeteria staff and the Dearborn County Clearinghouse for their hard work and dedication to feeding our families. #LawrenceburgLegacy

Newsletter https://5il.co/pqsd

January Principal's Pride - I had a fun lunch with these first graders today. They all have great character and citizenship! #LburgUnity

January Awesome Authors-Congratulations to these K-2 students for being recognized for their writing skills! #LburgUnity

Newsletter https://5il.co/pkrm

January ROCKIN’ READERS- These students are acquiring the skills needed to become FANTASTIC READERS! Keep up the Great Job! #LburgUnity

January Principal's Pride - I had a SUPER FUN lunch with these 2nd graders today. They all have great character and citizenship! #LburgUnity

January Principal's Pride - I had a great lunch today with these kindergarteners. They all have great character and citizenship! #LburgUnity

Look at these January Math Masters! These students are excelling at math. Keep up the great effort!

Newsletter https://5il.co/pd19

Newsletter https://5il.co/ov1s

Newsletter https://5il.co/on45

Tune into our Facebook page to watch the 5th grade girls play Switzerland County at 5:30pm tonight 1/15/21. @CentralLCSC

December Principal's Pride - I had a SUPER FUN lunch with these 2nd graders today. They all have great character and citizenship! #LburgUnity

December Awesome Authors-Congratulations to these K-2 students for being recognized for their writing skills! #LburgUnity

December Principal's Pride - I had a fun lunch with these first graders today. They all have great character and citizenship! #LburgUnity

DECEMBER ROCKIN’ READERS- These students are acquiring the skills needed to become FANTASTIC READERS! Keep up the Great Job! #LburgUnity