I apologize to those who were unable to use the Goggle Form link yesterday to sign up for virtual learning. Here is the link for those who ONLY WANT VIRTUAL LEARNING; https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScz9jVRRm0vQ53A37xfFRjOO3R-fAuEkhjPt_9YHDsHVOAJxg/viewform?usp=sf_link.

https://youtu.be/8WkfqM9gayM is the link for tonight’s 2nd Preliminary Hearing on the LHS Renovation Project starting at 5 pm in the GMS Commons. It is not about the real-entry plan as the radio may have said today.

Lawrenceburg Board of Trustees approved the school re-entry plan last night with the first student day to be on Aug. 5, 2020. The full plan and details can be found at https://www.lburg.k12.in.us/article/265189?org=lawrenceburg-community-school-district.

Tonight’s July monthly board meeting link; https://youtu.be/5keRmxcctLY. It begins at 6:15 pm.

We are one hour away from the @LHSLCSC Class of 2020 Commencement Ceremony. It will be streamed at Lawrenceburghs.live

Lawrenceburg School’s online registration is now open.
New Student Link-http://shorturl.at/drLNS
Returning Student Link-http://shorturl.at/jlrMN (Once logged in, click on the Returning Student Registration icon in the lower left corner.)
Help-Email registration@lburg.k12.in.us

Lawrenceburg School’s online registration is not open yet. We apologize for the delay. We will share the link and notify everyone once it is open.

Lawrenceburg Schools is excited to announce the corp school re-entry plan with school beginning on August 5, 2020 has been approved by the county health officer and will be shared Tuesday, July 14th after school board approval. Parents will have in-person and virtual options.

Online registration for all new and returning Lawrenceburg students will begin this Wednesday, July 8, 2020. The link will be sent out and can be found on the corporation website.

Happy Independence Day! Thank you to all who have or are serving because we would not be a land of the free if it was not for the brave.

Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation’s podcast link; http://static.theflypod.com/episodes/lawrenceburg-schools/.
The podcast is about re-entry information (athletic and school), Brice Darling (new incoming Greendale MS Assistant Principal) and reminder about Graduation.

Sorry the video is showing it has reached its viewing capacity. Here is a YouTube link to the same video; https://youtu.be/mLwhaIetPIs.

LCSC: June 23, 2020 LCSC ECA/Athletic Re-Entry Plan and other information update.
Video Link - https://rb.gy/otmmkk
Guidelines Link - https://rb.gy/erm4e4
Survey Link - https://rb.gy/iuzdfj

June 23, 2020 LCSC ECA/Athletic Re-Entry Plan and other information update.
Video Link - rb.gy/otmmkk
Guidelines Link - rb.gy/erm4e4
Survey Link - rb.gy/iuzdfj

Special Board Meeting tonight at 5 pm for the Board to review the “draft” Return ECA/Athletic Participation Guidelines, Update on Renovation Projects and Discuss Construction Management contract. You may watch at https://youtu.be/jtlD5145WtY.

Purdue Extension Dearborn County is partnering with Prairie Farms and Indiana Farm Bureau to provide over 4,000 FREE gallons of milk to Dearborn County and the surrounding communities.
It is this Wednesday and Thursday (6/24 & 6/25) 9am to 6pm at the Dearborn County Fairgrounds.

Happy Father’s Day to all those fathers in the Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation community. #LawrenceburgLegacy #LburgHOPE

Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation Board of Trustees meeting link for tonight (June 8, 2020) at 6:30 pm; https://youtu.be/nGYBi2yegD4

Reminder the @LawrenceburgCSC Summer Food Service Program begins today.
Meal pick ups are from 11:30am-12:30pm @CentralLCSC at gym doors on Short St.
Deliveries are only to Tuscany Bay (11:30am at Clubhouse), Waterview (11:35am) and Village Apts (11:45am).

May 29, 2020 Lawrenceburg School’s podcast link; http://static.theflypod.com/episodes/lawrenceburg-schools/.
We recognized staff and retirees for their service and provided many end of school year reminders.