about 6 years ago, Staci Knigga
Newsletter! November Cafeteria Menu, Music Concert Dates and other importation information! https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-NbZfLo3nxlUjVpdVlKd0xvTlo4SjhXcUppdG9leWJrNEVF/view?usp=sharing
about 6 years ago, Staci Knigga
‪Meeting this morning to look at the new ILEARN writing rubrics. Focus this quarter is on Opinion Writing! #WeRCES #LawrenceburgLegacy ‬
about 6 years ago, Staci Knigga
5th grade team working.
4th grade teachers.
Teachers working.
Rubrics for writing.
‪News Team for the next two weeks, Kaleb Arnett and Peyton Montgomery! #WeRCES #LawrenceburgLegacy ‬
about 6 years ago, Staci Knigga
News Team
‪Amazing how many Blue Ribbons we have earned so far in @StudyIsland These lucky winners earned gift cards to @Walmart #LawrenceburgLegacy #WeRCES ‬
about 6 years ago, Staci Knigga
Students earning Blue Ribbons.
Blue Ribbons
Congratulations to the 4th Grade Tiger Football Team on winning the Super Bowl and going undefeated! #LawrenceburgLegacy #WeRCES
about 6 years ago, Staci Knigga
4th Grade Super Bowl
‪Next week is #CollegeGoWeek and Champion Period! Students are encouraged to find Champions in their life to donate $25 into their #CollegeChoice529 accounts to receive matching $25 from @LburgPromise #LawrenceburgLegacy #WeRCES ‬
about 6 years ago, Staci Knigga
College Choice 529 Paper
Roar Card Thursday! Another great group of learning Rock Stars!
about 6 years ago, Central Elementary School
Roar Card Group 2
Roar Card Group 1.
Newsletter for this week! Have a great weekend! #LawrenceburgLegacy https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-NbZfLo3nxlMDQyY2M5Z0J3aFl4MjRCNm5WM1pzVW5qMkZJ/view?usp=sharing
about 6 years ago, Staci Knigga
Kindness Award Winners: Ella Sirk, Mackenzie Wolfzorn, Logan Fox, Alia Lawson, Collin Elder. Thanks for showing great character! #WeRCES
about 6 years ago, Staci Knigga
Kindness Winners.
Kindness Winners.
Always wonderful to see students working hard to master standards! Big group needed two pictures! #WeRCES #ROARThursday #LawrenceburgLegacy
about 6 years ago, Staci Knigga
2nd picture of ROAR Thursday.
ROAR Thursday students.
Do you nee some Tiger Apparel? PTO is selling several different items. Use the link below to order! https://lburgptofall2018.itemorder.com/sale Orders are due by Monday, November 12th!
about 6 years ago, Staci Knigga
‪News Team October 15 through October 26th Mia Peevyhouse and Dorian Lambert! #WeRCES ‬
about 6 years ago, Staci Knigga
News team!
about 6 years ago, Staci Knigga
Super Scholars being Super Friends as they use the Buddy Bench to make new friends! #LawrenceburgLegacy #WeRCES #BuddyBench
about 6 years ago, Staci Knigga
Students using Buddy Bench.
Buddy Bench Friends.
September Students of the Month! Great job showing the Six Pillars of Character! #LawrenceburgLegacy #WeRCES
about 6 years ago, Staci Knigga
September Students of the Month.
Kindness Award Winners for this week!! Love this new program we started this year to celebrate the being KIND everyday! Andrew Haunert, Kirsten Baker, Carter Scott, Collin Elder, Lacie Lowe! #ChooseKind #LawrenceburgLegacy
about 6 years ago, Staci Knigga
Kindness winners
‪First make it take it version of Friday Feature! Thanks @CESRoom512 for presenting today! #WeRCES ‬
about 6 years ago, Staci Knigga
Friday Feature